

I created this blog to indulge my obsession with my son without having to expose anyone who is not at least a little on the same side of obsession.  It's a courtesy to the childfree and apathetic, really.  I suppose I could post all of this on my livejournal, but it's always been me centered and I don't want to muddy the waters.  And anyway there's something very exciting about a vast empty area just waiting to be filled.

There are so many things about being a parent that are fascinating to me only...or possibly to a few close friends and family...and I don't want to forget anything.  So, I'm making a space that is dedicated to my beautiful son and maybe someday he'll come here and look over his history. 

I only wish I had started this process sooner.  I'm already behind on the whole pregnancy and nearly six months of his life. *staples back of hand to forehead*

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