Since we're planning on starting him with fruit instead of cereal -- I can't see the point in feeding him tasteless mush with questionable nutritional value when he gets all that he needs from me and we're just supplementing and developing eating skills, but that's a rant for another day -- we thought it might be good to gauge his reaction and see if he had any allergy issues before we went and bought a bunch of fresh fruit that he might not be able to eat.
As it turned out, he freakin' loved it. Let me tell you: that boy knows what he likes. We put the little bag in his mouth (a no-no for baby-led solids, but this was a teething issue, remember?) and he spit it out and made a 'pleh' face. He stuck his tongue out a couple of times and caught the taste of the mango and his eye got very big. I put the mesh bag against his lips to see if he might want to taste it again and he opened wide, grabbed it, and went to town. XD I'm fairly certain that if he could speak he would have been making "omnomnomnom" noises as he gobbled it down.
When I rinsed out the little baggie all that was left was a little bit of pale, pulpy mess. Needless to say, we purchased a couple of fresh mangoes and a high chair (after a fashion -- it's a little adjustable seat with a tray that we attach to our chairs so he can be at the same level as us -- we have a 'bar height' dining set) and we're very excited to start feeding them to him. We want to make sure that they're ripe enough, though, so we may end up waiting a few more days.
I want to thank Charisma over at Adventures in Solid Food for inspiring me and giving me the courage to do things a little differently. Also, for posting pictures and videos of her trials and her adorable baby. :)
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